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Engaging activities with infants: 6 age groups to stimulate development through play

Baby playing with interactive toy at Christmas

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As parents, we are constantly seeking ways to promote our children's development, especially during their formative years. Engaging in activities with infants is not only a joyful bonding experience but also crucial for their cognitive, physical, and emotional growth.

Through the right selection of toys and interactive play, we can provide our little ones with enriching experiences that lay the foundation for lifelong learning. Let's delve into some key age groups and the toys that play pivotal roles in their development.

Exploring Engaging Activities with Infants

  1. Toys for Newborns to 3 Months Old:

During the first few months of life, infants are primarily focused on sensory exploration and developing their motor skills. Sensory toys for infants at this stage should stimulate their senses of sight, sound, touch, and even taste. Soft rattles, high-contrast black and white toys, and textured balls are excellent choices. These toys not only capture their attention but also encourage them to reach out and grasp, fostering the development of hand-eye coordination.

  1. Toys for 4 to 6 Months Old:

As babies reach the 4 to 6-month mark, they become more aware of their surroundings and start to engage in purposeful movements. Toys that encourage interactive play and exploration are ideal during this stage. Consider toys with different textures, shapes, and colours to stimulate their curiosity and promote sensory development. Activity gyms with hanging toys, soft plush animals, and teething rings are fantastic options that encourage reaching, grabbing, and mouthing, aiding in the development of fine motor skills.

  1. Toys for 6 to 9 Months Old:

At this stage, infants are becoming more mobile, perhaps starting to crawl or pull themselves up. Toys that promote gross motor skills and encourage exploration are particularly beneficial. Push and pull toys, stacking cups, and simple shape sorters can captivate their interest while supporting their physical development. Additionally, introducing toys that make sounds, like the dancing cactus, or have buttons to push can enhance their cognitive skills and understanding of cause and effect.

Baby playing with interactive toy at Christmas

  1. Toys for 9 to 12 Months Old:

As babies approach their first birthday, they are often on the move, exploring their environment with newfound independence. Toys that facilitate active play and encourage problem-solving are ideal during this stage. Ride-on toys, nesting blocks, and shape puzzles are excellent choices for promoting both physical and cognitive development. These toys encourage experimentation, trial and error, and help lay the groundwork for later skills such as problem-solving and spatial awareness.

  1. Toys for 12 to 18 Months Old:

Toddlers in this age group are rapidly developing their language skills and are increasingly interested in pretend play. Toys that foster imaginative play and encourage social interaction are particularly beneficial. Dolls or action figures, play kitchens, and simple musical instruments allow toddlers to express themselves creatively and engage in pretend scenarios. These toys also promote social skills such as sharing, taking turns, and empathy, laying the foundation for healthy social development.

  1. Toys for 18 to 24 Months Old:

As toddlers approach their second birthday, they are becoming more coordinated and independent. Toys that challenge their growing abilities and encourage imaginative play are essential during this stage. Building blocks, shape sorters, and simple puzzles promote problem-solving skills and hand-eye coordination. Additionally, open-ended toys such as blocks or play dough foster creativity and allow toddlers to explore their interests and preferences.


In conclusion, engaging in activities with infants is crucial for their development, and the right selection of toys can make a significant difference. By understanding the needs and abilities of different age groups, parents can provide their little ones with enriching experiences that stimulate their growth and curiosity.

From interactive toys for babies to imaginative toys for toddlers, Teddy and CoFunland offer endless possibilities for learning and exploration. So, let's embrace playtime as an opportunity to nurture our children's development? Explore the toy collections on our website now to choose what's best for your children:


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