Irene is our Marketing Manager, promoted in Janaury 2025 after a brief experience in our Xmas sales force. She's from Spain and loves motorbikes. And of course, party.

Sir Braden is from the UK. He's part of our team since November 2024, and he's the guy behind the Xmas success in Bundaberg in 2024. He loves big hikes and to challange himself to the next peak. He loves to play guitar.

Mar is our new entry in the travel team, since the Royal Canberra Show in February 2025. She loves crossfit and to dance on the chairs of all taquerias around Australia. She's also from Spain and fun fact, her name can be translate to SEA in English.

Sara is our integrator: the person responsible to connect all departments and in charge of systems and training within Teddy & CO FUNLAND!!! She has experience in teaching, from kids to university kids. And also she runs her own business of laughterapy. She's from Barcelona - Spain; and worked in the Sagrada Familia in the past.

Davy from Belgium. He joined our team in Cairns in July 2024, and he's been part of our family since; on and off due to life commtiments :) He loves travelling and speaks fluently Spanish as well.

Noah is part of our travel team since November 2024. He is from USA, Alaska. And he decided to challange the Australian heat and get sunburn this year. This guy loves beer(s)....
Luna is part of our travel team casually since the Melbourne Show in September 2024. She has been travelling all around Victoria and hopefully we will see her again soon in NSW. She will be a doctor one day, but for now she's cuddlign our sweet petzzz.